Image-Guided Cortisone Injections

Alleviating Pain & Reducing Inflammation

Description of Image-Guided Cortisone Injections

Cortisone (corticosteroid) is an anti-inflammatory medication used to suppress inflammation, which is often the cause of painful symptoms. The relief from the injection can be complete or partial, long-lasting or temporary.

Information Required at Booking

When booking your CT scan, please inform us if any of the following apply to you:

What to Bring to Your Appointment

Please bring the following to your appointment:


After a consultation, informed consent will be obtained prior to the procedure. A mixture of local anaesthetic and cortisone is injected using a sterile technique and under the guidance of a CT scan or ultrasound to accurately administer the medication at the region of interest.

Most injections take around 10-15 minutes to complete. The full effects of the steroid can take 7-14 days to reach, and then may last for several months.

Cortisone injections may help with conditions such as

Risks, Side Effects, and Benefits

As with all medical procedures, there are risks associated with the administration of any medication, including cortisone. In most patients, the benefits of cortisone injections outweigh the side effects. Your referring doctor has carefully decided to request this procedure based on your symptoms, clinical examination, prior medical imaging, and past medical history.

Potential side effects and risks include:

The results of your scan will be forwarded to your clinician.


This service is offered at the following locations:

Contact Us

Should you have any questions or require any assistance, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Our team is committed to supporting you and your patients every step of the way.